Easy Ways To Defeat Tanks In GTA Online

In GTA Online, Tanks are highly armored and can withstand significant damage, it have powerful weapons that can easily destroy other vehicles and kill players quickly. U4GM provides professional gta 5 account boost service to help you overcome difficulties. Of course, to easily defeat the tank, here are some effective ways:

1. Use a fighter jet: Steal a Lazer jet from Fort Zancudo and use its cannons to destroy the tank from the air. In fact, xbox one legit 5 ​​gta modded accounts help you to build an advantage in the game.
2. RPG method: It takes 4 RPG shots to destroy a tank. This allows you to attack from a safer distance.
3. Sticky bombs: 3 sticky bombs will destroy a tank. U4GM has cheap gta 5 money buy, which helps you get sticky bombs. You can:
· Call Lester to go off-radar, then approach and plant the bombs.
· Attach 3 sticky bombs to a car, drive it into the tank, bail out, and detonate.
4. Motorcycle kamikaze: Put 5 sticky bombs on a motorcycle, ride towards the tank, go off-radar with Lester’s help, and detonate when close.
5. Exploit tank weaknesses:
· Tanks are now easier to destroy with explosives after recent updates.
· The number of hits required is the same whether the tank is occupied or not.
6. Use cover and strategy:
· Attack from a distance using RPGs or other explosive weapons.
· Use buildings or terrain for cover between shots.
· Coordinate with other players to attack from multiple angles.

Tanks are still very dangerous, so always approach with caution. The key is to use explosive weapons from a safe distance or employ hit-and-run tactics with sticky bombs.